Tuning In & Tuning In again
David Thomas
These are fantastic documentaries on Channels of Spirit among us. The message and the knowledge contained within these documentaries is pretty deep. These are so good. I'd rather people see these than anything else I've shared here. These are quite special. I was only able to find the actual documentary for Tuning In, so you can watch it by selcting the 'Watch' button below. Tuning In again is only a audio, but still worth listening to. I'd also recommend further researching the people presented in these documentaries. They have added a lot of beauty to this world by what they share. These are very enlightening.
Enlightening/Spiritual Information
Personal Astrology
Kelley Rosano
There is real science to astrology, and it is found in the ancient wisdom of Eygpt. Most of the exposure anyone has had to astology is the westernized version of it. It is far deeper, and more complex than being a Pisces, or Leo. Aside from personal astrology, it's important to remember that everything is energy. We are personally affected by the gravity of each planet in our solar system. We are also impacted energetically.
I'm not sure what my opinion is on personal horoscopes, but Kelley has been amazingly accurate. She gifts free, general astology forecasts on youtube, for each zodiac sign, every month. I use her forecasts to help me know where the planets are going to be positioned throughout the month. She puts a great deal of work and time into these astrology reports, and she does it for free. She does offter pay services, but I have never personally used them. I imagine any of her services are well worth the money, though. I am adding her links to highlight the free monthly astrology reports because they are very accurate and useful.
I have an entire section dedicated to the Emerald Tablets of Thoth.
Click here:
If you'd like to hear the Emerald Tablets of Thoth read, opposed to reading them yourself, then click the link below. I've listened to some of Josh Reeves' shows, but I don't really follow his work. I stumbled upon his recording of the tablets a couple of years ago. He is a bit vulgar, and I do not agree with a lot of his opinions as he reads the tablets but, he does hold some insight. And, he is by far the most intersting to listen to as the tablets are read. I've tried to find other full readings of the tablets, but they are all very dry.
Josh also talks about other related ancient texts and various movies. If you can enjoy his personality, you will gain a great deal by listening to him and the other information he shares. Thank you, Josh.
Crop Circles
Crop Circles are a real phenomenon. The documentaries in the links below prove this. A team of college students designed an elaborate crop circle. It took them two weeks (8 hour days), in a team, working only in day light, to complete their elaborate crop circle. As you know, elaborate crop circles seem to spring up over night. So, how is this humanly possibly? It was tested by serious students and they could not create their elborate crop circle in two weeks, let alone one night. Also consider that you never see, nor hear about half completed crop circles, or badly done crop circles. Where's the practice crop circles? Crop circles are as difficult in design as they are perfect and beautiful to the eye. They are all beautiful and elaborate. The testing of the plants and soil in the areas of crop circles yeilds differences from the control areas, that do not have a crop circle. The sacred geometry found in these crop circles something else to marvel over. These documentaries explore many possibilities of what these crop circles truly are.
Synchronicities - Not Coincidences
When neat things used to happen for me at the perfect time, I thought I was very lucky. And, I saw synchroncity as coincidence. That thinking has completely changed along my journey. My life is filled with the magic luck of perfect timing, and my reality is saturated with coincidence after coincidence. Because that began to happen, I had to change my thinking. It almost started to feel as if the entire Universe, and everything and everyone in it, began to communicate with me in such a personal way. Perfect timing and synchronicity is so abundant in my life now, that I would think something was wrong if I didn't consistently experience it. When you decide to really slow down and start paying attention to the world around you, you start to learn about the world that exists within you. The more you align to your true nature, the more synchroncity and perfect timing begin to become your norm.
I've attached two really awesome articles that go into great detail on the subject.
Repeating Number Synchronicities
There is a lot of hype around repeating number sequences and what they mean, especially 11:11. I can honestly say that when I first started noticing repeating numbers, it was a phenomenon that seemed to come right to me. I searched high and low for the meaning of various number combos I had kept seeing. As exciting as it is to think the angels are communicating with you through various repeating number sequences, one must keep in mind that the idea that the angels are communicating via repating numbers began as someone's idea, and you must incorporate this idea into your own belief system for it to be true for you. I don't discount angels aren't communicating with us via repeating numbers, what I do discount is there is a universal meaning for each repeating sequence.
What I began to discover is that the repeating number synchronicity is just that, a synchroncity. It can hold a vast number of meanings. Depending on the person seeing it, and the circumstances they are
in, the repeating numbers will ALWAYS be a very personal and specific message to the person seeing it. I tried to force my reality into the messages I found via Joann, Angel Scribes and Dorren Virtue, Angle Numbers, but I often found that the supposed meaning of any set of repeating numbers didn't really fit into my situation, and what was happening at the time.
Instead of looking outside of yourself for the meaning of repeating numbers, try to look within, and see how any specific repeating sequences of numbers personally relates to you. They are synchroncities of alignment as far as I am concerned. I see them as signs that I'm walking the path I intend. I do see them as communications from the angels, but I see more as signs of 'I'm here with you' and so on.
Symbols and numbers are triggers to your sub-conscious. Aside from the physical meaning or manifestation of repeating numbers, there is a greater purpose for the synchronicity of them. Mathematics is the universal language. I view the repeating number sequences as programming upgrades to our sub-conscious minds, as we elevate ourselves vibrationally. To me, repeating number sequences are far deeper than feel good fluff. There is real science behind this personal phenomenon.
Also keep in mind, the more you notice and begin to focus on something, the more it begins to appear in your personal reality. After awhile, repeating number sequences in your reality are a result of your repeated attention and focus to them. A lot of people do not want to hear that, but it is the entire basis of the Law of Attraction - energy flows where attention goes. The more emotionally excied you've felt about the number synchroncities, the more abundantly they must show up. Once you've allowed the highway of repeating numbers to abundantly flow into your reality, the universe/angels can then use those vibrations to personally communicate with you through various repeating number sequences and number synchroncities.
I have not added any additional information on this subject because most of what is out there is feel good fluff. I feel like that information distracts from the personal phenomenon of repeating number sequences. Repeating number sequences are a physical manifestation of the thoughts in your mind. Really consider what that means for you and about the reality you experience.
Sacred Geomentry
Phi, Pi and the Fibonacci Sequence
Everything in nature is found to contain the Golden Ratio. If you do not already know about this, I highly recommend looking into it. You do not need to be amazing at math in order to understand this. To me, it speaks of intelligent design. Phi and Pi were both used in building the Great Pyramid. How could they have possibly understood these mathematical concepts back then? It's clear they did because it's found in the structures they designed and built.
Math is the universal language.
Earth Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library - Barbara Marciniak as a channel for the Pleiadians.
Barabra is a channel for the Pleiadians. The link below is a series of channeled messages on the purpose of earth, how and why humans are here, the way the laws of the Universe work and so on. I do not agree with everything that is said in this video, but there is certainly a lot of interesting information provided. Barbara has been channeling the Pleiadians for many years. You can look deeper into her work if you feel led.
The Seven Shamanic Levels of Consciousness
Dirk Gillabel
Really good article on consciousness from a spiritual perspective. Science has already proven that everything is energy. Now we are discovering that everything is conscious energy. Lots of studies on plants are proving that what we what consider to be intelligent consciousness is very small in the scope of what's really going on.
Yugas - Cycles of Time
For me, the Yugas explain why we think we are the most advanced and evoloved form of humanity, even though endless ancient site, structures and text indicate otherwise. Supposedly we are nearing the end, or just coming out of the Kali cycle, the Dark Age or Iron Age. It is also said that we are the 5th generation of humanity. We are not the first and we won't be the last kind of human to walk this planet. When we complete our 24,000-26,000 year full Yuga cycle, a new humanity will emerge and the cycle will begin again.
The Cosmic Giggle
This is a great documentary with enlightened guests. They discuss spirituality, the Law of Attraction and other enlightening information. It's about an hour long.
I did not always believe in reincarnation. The idea of it used to make me feel pretty uncomfortable. I've now come to place of understanding, and the idea of reincarnation makes a lot of other things make sense. I've attached some good information below on this subject. At this point, I cannot see any other truth other than we reincarnate.
*All materials shared here are for educational purposes. No infringement of copyright violation is intended.*